Episode 327
Make-Fix-Build. Every time.
- The refresh cycle is crucial for product development.
- Every product should be treated as its own mini-business.
- Continuous improvement is essential for sustainability.
- A growth mindset is necessary to avoid obsolescence.
- Ignoring product updates can lead to stagnation.
- The product must solve a real pain point for customers.
- Business strategy should align with product development.
- Change is constant; businesses must adapt accordingly.
- Focus on integrity and quality of the product.
- Successful businesses prioritize ongoing innovation.
📖 Buy "Build" by Tony Fadell -
🌱 S.E.E.D. Planning Group - https://www.seedpg.com/
🎙️ Ditch The Suits Podcast - https://www.ditchthesuits.com/
💻 NQR Media - https://www.nqrmedia.com/
🎙️ Cut Throat College Planning Podcast - https://www.nqrmedia.com/ctcp/cut-throat-college-planning
🎓 College Prep Bootcamp - https://www.sohteam.org/college-prep-bootcamp
🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://www.nqrmedia.com/one-big-thing
Chapter Markers:
00:00 - Introduction to the Refresh Cycle
02:53 - The Product vs. Business Dynamic
06:01 - The Importance of Continuous Improvement
08:47 -Growth Mindset: The Key to Sustainability