Episode 277
Making A (BIG) Dent In This World
- Approach your job as an opportunity to make a dent in the world
- Find a company with a purpose to align with your values
- Small impacts can lead to significant changes through the ripple effect
- Consistent effort and hard work are necessary for success
📖 Buy "Build" by Tony Fadell -
🌱 S.E.E.D. Planning Group - https://www.seedpg.com/
🎙️ Ditch The Suits Podcast - https://ditchthesuits.buzzsprout.com/
💻 NQR Media - https://www.nqrmedia.com/
🎙️ Cut Throat College Planning Podcast - https://ctcp.buzzsprout.com/
🎓 College Prep Bootcamp - https://www.sohteam.org/college-prep-bootcamp
🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://theonebigthing.buzzsprout.com/
Chapter Markers:
00:00 - Introduction and Podcast Format
01:02 - Cracking Open the Fortune Cookie
02:22 - Making a Dent: Job Opportunities
03:50 - Making a Difference Beyond the Job
05:30 - Opportunity and Attitude
06:56 - Making a Dent in Personal Life
08:22 - Being Hard and Making a Dent
09:06 - Prioritizing Opportunities
10:00 - The Myth of Overnight Success
11:34 - Consistent Effort and Hard Work