Episode 284
The Importance of Situational Awareness
- Individual contributors should periodically look up and become aware of the bigger picture in the organization.
- Individual contributors have a responsibility to bring up observations and concerns to the management team.
- The management team should listen and consider the input of individual contributors.
- Properly prepare arguments and observations before bringing them forward.
- Pick the right battles and avoid wasting time on frivolous issues.
- Open communication and mutual respect are essential between individual contributors and the management team.
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🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://www.nqrmedia.com/one-big-thing
Chapter Makers:
00:00 - Introduction and Boom World
02:40 - Implementing Takeaways from the Book
03:25 - The Importance of Individual Contributors
05:11 - Bringing Observations and Concerns to the Management Team
06:16 - Preparing Arguments and Observations
08:01 - Picking the Right Battles
10:23 - Open Communication and Mutual Respect