Episode 190
Are You Running A Business Or A Daycare
- Perks should not be the defining factor of a company's culture or core values.
- Perks can become distractions and entitlements if they are not tied to specific goals or projects.
- Job security and personal/professional growth should be considered as valuable perks.
- Company values and mission are what attract and retain employees, not perks.
- Trying to cater to everyone's preferences with perks is an endless game.
- Perks should be purposeful and aligned with the mission of the company.
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🎙️ Ditch The Suits Podcast - https://ditchthesuits.buzzsprout.com/
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🎓 College Prep Bootcamp - https://www.sohteam.org/college-prep-bootcamp
🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://theonebigthing.buzzsprout.com/
Chapter Markers:
00:00 - Introduction and Sponsor
04:10 - Perks as Distractions and Entitlements
09:29 - Purposeful Perks Aligned with the Mission
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