Episode 191
Sacrificing Your Future For Today
- Focusing solely on end numbers and short-term results can sacrifice long-term success and growth.
- Tracking and improving processes, developing talent, and building infrastructure are key to future success.
- The Manager's Creed promotes accountability and a focus on key performance indicators (KPIs).
- A holistic and long-term approach to management success is crucial.
📖 Buy "The Hard Thing About Hard Things" -
🌱 S.E.E.D. Planning Group - https://www.seedpg.com/
🎙️ Ditch The Suits Podcast - https://ditchthesuits.buzzsprout.com/
💻 NQR Media - https://www.nqrmedia.com/
🎙️ Cut Throat College Planning Podcast - https://ctcp.buzzsprout.com/
🎓 College Prep Bootcamp - https://www.sohteam.org/college-prep-bootcamp
🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://theonebigthing.buzzsprout.com/
Chapter Markers:
00:00 - Introduction and Perks Matter
07:06 - Building for Future Success: Processes, Talent, and Infrastructure
11:19 - Short-Term Focus and the Misery Index
Looking for more? Get in touch with Travis!
📧 Send him an email at tmaus@nqrmedia.com
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