Episode 211
Teaching People to Adapt
- Updating and evolving systems, processes, and training is crucial as a company grows.
- Teaching the 'why' behind things and empowering employees to think critically leads to better understanding and improvement.
- A lack of a robust training program can result in outdated systems and resistance to change.
- Skilled trainers who understand the job and can effectively teach others are essential.
- Training should be continuous and include upskilling and development at all levels.
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🎙️ Ditch The Suits Podcast - https://ditchthesuits.buzzsprout.com/
💻 NQR Media - https://www.nqrmedia.com/
🎙️ Cut Throat College Planning Podcast - https://ctcp.buzzsprout.com/
🎓 College Prep Bootcamp - https://www.sohteam.org/college-prep-bootcamp
🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://theonebigthing.buzzsprout.com/
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