Episode 414

You Cannot Survive Without Growth - S8 E21


  • Businesses must grow or die is a myth.
  • Growth can take many forms, not just revenue.
  • Constant change is necessary to stay competitive.
  • Regulatory pressures can necessitate growth.
  • Lifestyle businesses may not need to grow.
  • Effective growth management is crucial for leaders.
  • Different phases of growth require different strategies.
  • Stagnation can lead to business failure.
  • Individual dependency can trap a business.
  • Growth should be strategic, not just about numbers.

📖 Buy "Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big" by Bo Burlingham


🌱 S.E.E.D. Planning Group - https://www.seedpg.com/

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🖥️ Ditch The Suits Website - https://www.ditchthesuits.com/

🎙️ One Big Thing Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/@stevecampbellpr

Chapter Markers:

00:00 - Introduction to Unleashing Leadership

01:20 - The Myth of Growth: Must Businesses Always Grow?

04:15 - Phases of Growth: Managing Growth Effectively

06:18 - Regulatory Pressures and the Necessity of Growth

08:35 - The Lifestyle Business Trap: Growth vs. Individual Dependency

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change
Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change

About your host

Profile picture for Travis Maus

Travis Maus

Travis Maus is the Chief Executive Officer of S.E.E.D. Planning Group is a fee-only financial planning firm with over 30 employees and locations in New York and Tennessee.

He hosts Unleashing Leadership and co-hosts the award-winning Ditch the Suits Podcast. Ditch the Suits aim is to help listeners get the most from their money and lives.

He is passionate, unfiltered, and committed to building great businesses.